“Poetry is the language of the soul, expressing what would otherwise be inexpressible...helping us know things that would otherwise be unknowable. One of the surest signs God and I are talking is that it starts coming out in poetry!” Ruth Haley Barton
“…they set out, and there ahead of them went the star…”
Oh God of wonder
of mystery
of adventurous journeys
Help me not to let my life slip away from me
without doing that thing I am meant to do
without taking the journey that is mine to take
without risking everything to gain everything.
O God of possibility,
I hold my life up to you now
as much as I can
as high as I can
in this mysterious season called Epiphany.
Come close,
lest I wobble,
fall short,
hold back.
It is not days or years I seek from You,
not infinity or enormity,
but small things and simple awareness,
that you are in what I am
and in what I seek.
It is not new time that I seek from You,
but new eyes and a new heart,
fresh courage and clearer intent,
and you,
always you.
O God who continually makes all things new,
make something new in me
in this year
in this season
in this lifetime…
For You
for others
and for the abundance
of this life
we all share.
©Ruth Haley Barton, 2025. Not to be used without permission.
Fall Garden
In fall
the garden is spent
having given its all.
Cucumber vines lie exhausted on the ground
Tomato plants list to one side
Cornstalks stand dignified and empty
Sunflower faces droop earthward,
shades of their former selves.
All that has not been claimed lies moldering in the dirt—
a bruised tomato, a forsaken pepper…
a misshapen pumpkin, a trampled stalk of beans.
What came from the earth is returning
to the place from whence it came.
There is an intimacy here,
in the fall garden,
gazing at living things in their demise.
I want to avert my eyes, avoid this tender grief.
Is this life or is this death? I cannot tell.
Ah, but there is beauty here
amid all this death and dying.
To have given one’s self fully
at least once
that is the thing.
To have spent oneself in an explosion of color
to have offered one’s body for food,
one’s very soul for nourishment…
It is an unseemly generosity,
beauty of another kind.
In fall
the garden says, “This is my life, given for you.”
And we are fed.
©Ruth Haley Barton, 2012. Not to be used without permission.
There have to be times in your life when you move slow,
times when you walk rather than run, settling into each step…
There have to be times when you stop and gaze admiringly at loved ones,
marveling that they have been given to you for this life…
times when hugs linger and kisses are real,
when food and drink are savored with gratitude and humility
rather than gulped down on your way to something else.
There have to be times when you read for the sheer pleasure of if,
marveling at the beauty of words
and the endless creativity in putting them together…
times when you settle into the comforts of home and become human once again.
There have to be times when you light a candle and
find the tender place inside you that loves or sorrows or sings
and you pray from that place,
times when you let yourself feel, when you allow the tears to come,
rather than blinking them back because you don’t have time to cry.
There have to be times to sink into the soft body of yourself
and love what you love simply because love itself is a grace…
times when you sit with gratitude for the good gifts of your life
that get lost and forgotten in the rush of things…
times to celebrate and play
to roll down hills
to splash in water or make leaf piles
to spread paint on paper or walls or each other.
There have to be times to sit and wait for the fullness of God
that replenishes body, mind, and soul—
if you can even stand to be so full.
There has to be time
for the fullness of time
or time is meaningless.
© Ruth Haley Barton, 2021. Not to be used without permission.